
Creators of Magnetic Wallpaper lead the Sector


MagScapes is a British company that invented the first magnetic wallpaper in 2006. Today, we make and sell direct to customers worldwide.

Our range of magnetic wallcoverings, paints, trims and adhesives are all created to work beautifully together.

What is Magnetic Wallpaper?
'Magnetic Wallpaper' is a term used for wallcoverings that work with magnets. Technically speaking, our wallcoverings use ferrous (iron) powder that enable magnets to grip to the surface much like a fridge door.

Writeable, Paintable, Printable!
In addition to magnets, our materials offer further interactive capabilities:
MagLiner - works beneath any wallpaper, digital print or fabric
MagWrite - works with dry-erase whiteboard pens
MagChalk - works with chalks or chalk pens
MagPaintable - primed and ready for overpainting

Make any wall interactive with magnets, drawings, writing even projectors!

Easy to Install!
To install, MagScapes rolled materials are fast and easy to work with. Hung vertically or horizontally on any smooth flat even cylindrical surface. Full guides and videos are provided on each product page.

Look out for MagScapes Brands - specified by discerning designers, contractors and architects worldwide. 

    MagScapes Brochure

    For peace of mind, all MagScapes magnetic wallcovering brands include a 10yr warranty and a price promise to match any competitor's deal.

    See for yourself and request a free sample here.

    MagScapes Brochure Click to view on-screen

    London Showroom: 5 Albemarle Way, Clerkenwell, London EC1V4JB.

    Shop for high-quality magnetic wallpaper, materials and adhesive.